PECG members can call the PECG Sacramento Office for a complimentary copy of We’ve Got the Power, The Next Frontier, The Bridge So Far, Amazing, and A Span in Time!

We’ve Got the Power
is the follow-up documentary to the Emmy Award-winning program, The Next Frontier: Engineering the Golden Age of Green. It shows viewers how the United States can replace fossil fuels with clean energy in a way that is economically beneficial to consumers and businesses alike, and ensures a safer environment for future generations.

The Next Frontier – Engineering the Golden Age of Green
This entertaining and educational documentary explores the solutions to the most serious problem facing our environment, economy and way of life.
The Bridge So Far – a Suspense Story
The Bridge So Far is an entertaining one-hour documentary on the often outrageous and always controversial history and status of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
Amazing: the Rebuilding of the MacArthur Maze
This half-hour television special tells the remarkable story of the fiery collapse and rebuilding (in only 26 days) of a key connector in the Bay Area’s MacArthur Maze, where three major freeways meet just east of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

A Span in Time
This dramatic half hour special of the 2007 Labor Day weekend Bay Bridge demolition and replacement project was produced and directed by David L. Brown, with animation by Charlie Canfield, both of whom won Emmy Awards for the “The Bridge So Far,” their previous entertainment/documentary on the Bay Bridge.